Finding elements inside another using .within()
The purpose of the .within command is to focus Cypress to look for specific elements inside of another.
cy.get('div[class*="MuiPaper-elevation1 MuiPaper-rounded"]') .eq(6) .within(() => { cy.get('[name="refundReason"]', { timeout: 5000 }) .focus() .type('Automation test', { timeout: 5000 }) .wait(1000) .get('[data-testid="refund-confirm"]').click() })
What this does is tell Cypress to look for the name ‘refundReason’ inside of the element defined as ('[class*=”MuiPaper-elevation1 MuiPaper-rounded”]').eq(6) (the seventh instance of this on the page as they are recognized by Cypress as 0-6 instead of 1-7)