Back-end testing with graphQL
During my time at RoLo, I did have a couple of occasions to run tests against the back-end using mutations via graphQL playground. I’m unsure how much of this I can/should post without revealing a bunch about the databases, but here goes.
Admittedly, this was done outside of Cypress only because I didn’t know at the time that it was actually possible to include tests like this.
mutation { updateOrder( input: { orderId: 15186, refundInformation: [{ amount: 1, cardBrand: null, cardPayment: false, last4: null, ssChargeId: null, notes: "change product", }], refundPayment: true, groupOrderPayment: null, reservations: [ { reservationId: 26988, type: "changeProduct", startDate: "2022-02-25", endDate: "2022-02-27", quantity: "1", xProductId: "879", } ], productQuestionAnswers: [], addOns: [], assignments: [], orderItemsArray: [ { xProductId: "879", xRefTypeId: 3, quantity: 1, startDate: "2022-02-25", endDate: "2022-02-27", } ], adminNotes:"TEST1", noRefund: null } ) { error success } }
Another mutation:
mutation { updateOrder( input: { orderId: 15188, refundInformation: null, refundPayment: false, groupOrderPayment: { isRefund: true, amount: -10, notes: "some update" }, reservations: [ { reservationId: "26990", type: "changeProduct", startDate: "2022-02-25", endDate: "2022-02-27", quantity: "1", xProductId: "879", xRefTypeId: 3, } ], productQuestionAnswers: [], addOns: [], assignments: [], orderItemsArray: [ { xProductId: "879", xRefTypeId: 3, quantity: 1, startDate: "2022-02-25", endDate: "2022-02-27", } ], adminNotes: "", noRefund: null } ) { error success } }
Result (billed to group)
And yet another…
mutation { updateOrder( input: { orderId: 15187, refundInformation: [{ amount: 5, cardBrand: "VISA", cardPayment: true, last4: "4242", ssChargeId: "ch_3KX4KSGhNUysQh7Y1wOEKWg4", notes: "change product", }], refundPayment: true, groupOrderPayment: null, reservations: [ { reservationId: "26989", type: "changeProduct", startDate: "2022-02-25", endDate: "2022-02-27", quantity: "1", xProductId: "879", xRefTypeId: 3, } ], productQuestionAnswers: [], addOns: [], assignments: [], orderItemsArray: [ { xProductId: "879", xRefTypeId: 3, quantity: 1, startDate: "2022-02-25", endDate: "2022-02-27", } ], adminNotes: "TEST", noRefund: null } ) { error success } }
Here’s one with an up-charge when changing products to one that is more expensive:
mutation { updateOrder( input: { orderId: 15241, refundInformation: null, refundPayment: false, groupOrderPayment: null, paymentInput: { token: "", description: "payment description", saveCard: false, selectedCard: "4242", useCard: true, adminId: "1004" }, reservations: [ { reservationId: "27093", type: "changeProduct", startDate: "2022-02-28", endDate: "2022-03-01", quantity: "1", xProductId: "880", xRefTypeId: 3, } ], productQuestionAnswers: [], addOns: [], assignments: [], orderItemsArray: [ { xProductId: "880", xRefTypeId: 3, quantity: 1, startDate: "2022-02-23", endDate: "2022-03-01", } ], adminNotes: "Up-charge test", noRefund: null } ) { error success } }